about us

about us

We are creating sustainable, intelligent Software- and IT-Services.

This is our basic principle. It is known that the momentary situation of Mother Nature is not well. It is not enough for us to financially support nature conservatory organisations such as Greenpeace, NABU, or BUND. We go further and aim to live sustainability in the IT field. But what does sustainability in the IT field mean?

  • resource-efficient | because memory space needs also power
  • long-lasting
  • solid | stable code
  • high quality | iso 9001 conform in a high-security environment

This applies for our business unit and for our development and research unit.

Research natural science computer science profit Services IT-services products support results labs | project 2010


labs | project 2010 is a non-profit organisation for development and research. The organisation and most projects were founded in 2010 by Katja Wilzewski and Lars Wissmann.

Our main goal is building innovative and intelligent software for public interest or for small companies with sustainable goals. We create products in developing our research projects until the results surpass all expectations. We are also looking forward to build an ideal synergetic effect in our network of partners.

You are interested to support us? Feel free to contact us!


Our team consists of people who do something incredible and want to make a change. We want to support humanitarian projects and research with the non-profit manufacture of our products: Doing something good while doing something we love.

Our services include building websites and other platforms and their maintenance, as well as IT-services and external data protection. Through our close collaboration with research we always work scientifically sound and analytical, yet practical thanks to our more than 20 years of experience.

We have great interest in a network with partners who also have social interests and who want to change the world together with us by buying our products or use our services. Because of that we want to donate the majority of our profits.